Express Mail shipping to USA and other countries
has resumed to normal clearance rates.

You are welcome to pick this lower cost service,
but longer ship times, or continue to use the
more expensive trans shipping service we offer.

Trans shipping has a higher success
rate and is faster but is
more expensive.
Attention Australian
Due to ongoing shipping challenges until further notice we now
have a 500-pill limit per shipment and we suggest Express Mail
ITPS for greater assurances of arrival. We are happy to take
larger orders but we will have to ship multiple packages.

We will always continue to monitor all shipping options to
all countries we ship too.
ORDER NOW Let us earn not just your first order
but your future order as well
Shipping pharma grade
products safely


Acne Products

Body Building

Your online specialists for Post cycle Therapy and anti estrogen inhibitors (in body building). We made this site to assist with AI = anti estrogen inhibitors and PcT is post cycle therapy, if you have questions or want to know more please contact us.

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