Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects the dignity of man’s self esteem. Many men suffer through some sort of ED atleast once in their life and the causes are varied from old age, poor blood supply, hormonal imbalance, performance anxiety, alcohol abuse, drugs / nicotine addiction, diabetes, depression and more.
While there are some items that are proven to treat ED such as Cialis, Viagra, Vardenafil, and others to prolong the ejaculation process such as Dapoxetine, you might want to try some home remedies first before purchasing those items.
- White Onion
The aphrodisiac nature of onions makes them one of the best erectile dysfunction cures. Take 1-2 large white onions and slice them into pieces. In clarified butter, fry these slices on low heat until they turn light brown. Before having your dinner, consume them along with 1 tablespoon of honey on a daily basis.
Or else, chop two onions and steep them in 2 cups of warm water for about ten minutes. Consume ½ a cup of this prepared solution three times a day for a month.
- Garlic Cloves
Chew 3 to 4 garlic cloves every day to treat erectile dysfunction. Or else, fry some garlic cloves in a small amount of clarified butter on low heat until they turn brown. Consume them daily. Or else, mix 1 teaspoon each of cayenne pepper powder and garlic powder. Eat this mixture along with water a couple of hours before you hit the bed.
- Lady Finger
Add 5 grams root powder of lady finger in a glass of lukewarm milk. Add about 2 teaspoons of sugar to the solution and stir it well. Drink it regularly to get rid of the symptoms of erectile dysfunction naturally.
- Almonds
Almonds are considered significant for erectile dysfunction treatment and have been used for thousands of years. Take a glass of warm milk and mix 1 tbsp of powdered almond in it. Consume it every day before you go to bed.
Or else, soak a handful of almonds in water for a few hours and consume them daily, half an hour before hitting the hay. Use this remedy continuously for a month to enhance the sexual desire and strength. Alternatively, mix a handful each of pistachio nuts, dried date, quince seeds, and almonds. Grind them to form a fine powder. Add this powder to a glass of milk and drink it every day.
- Carrots
Due to their aphrodisiac properties, carrots have been considered as one of the easiest home remedies for erectile dysfunction. Take a juicer and blend 3 celery stalks, 3 medium-sized carrots, 1-2 cloves of garlic, and ½ medium-sized beetroot. Consume a glass of this juice 1 or 2 times every day. Or else, drink a glass of lukewarm milk with 2 tbsp of grated carrot.
- Pomegranate Juice
Simply drink a glass of pomegranate juice on a daily basis to cure erectile dysfunction naturally.
- Pelvic Floor Exercises
This is among the top erectile dysfunction remedies that can work wonder in providing a long-term solution for this problem. Make sure you learn these exercises from a professional trainer and don’t try them on your own.
- Ginger
Mix a soft-boiled egg, ½ a teaspoon of ginger juice, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Have this concoction daily before going to bed. Continue eating it for about a month. Alternatively, mix 2 teaspoons each of honey and ginger paste and eat it thrice every day for 1-2 months. Or else, drink 2 to 3 cups of ginger tea on a daily basis.
- Dates
Dates are rich in dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B5. All these ingredients increase the sexual power, improving the overall energy and curing the erectile dysfunction.
- Acupuncture and Erectile Dysfunction
Acupuncture is another wonderful way to cure the problem of erectile dysfunction.
Seek help from a professional acupuncturist.
- Fenugreek
Regular consumption of fenugreek increases the levels of testosterone and arouses the sexual desire. Fenugreek enhances libido, thereby improving your sexual health.
- Black Raisins
Take about 30 grams of good quality black raisins and wash them with warm water. Boil them in 200 ml milk until they get swollen. Consume the boiled raisins and drink the milk.
- Dark Chocolates
Intake of dark chocolate enhances the blood flow to the penis and improves your sexual life. It is one of the simplest natural remedies for erectile dysfunction.
- Olive Oil
Massage your reproductive organ with olive oil to improve the circulation of blood. This essential oil for erectile dysfunction is highly effective.
- Zinc Containing Foods
Zinc improves the sperm mobility and induces the production of testosterone hormone in the body. Therefore, increase the intake of zinc rich foods such as wheat germ, garlic, sesame, squash, lamb, roast beef, crabs, milk, oysters, etc. Regular consumption of foods enriched with zinc helps cure erectile dysfunction.
- Watermelon Seeds
Snack on the watermelon seeds. The nutrients found in these crunchy seeds help treat the problem of erectile dysfunction.
- Walnut and Honey
For quick results, eat 3 ounces of honey along with walnuts every day. After consuming walnut and honey, drink a cup of warm milk.
- Saffron
Saffron has a relaxing effect on the body. It enhances the fertility in men by improving the quality of sperm. You can add some saffron to the massage oil and apply it all over your body. Or else, add it to your daily food to stir up the sexual desire.
- Honey, Carrots, and Egg
Take a bowl and add ½ cup finely chopped or grated carrots, ½ egg (boiled), and 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir well and eat it once daily. Continue eating this mixture for the next 30 to 45 days to improve your sexual health.
- Pumpkin Seeds
All you required to do is consume a handful of pumpkin seeds daily. It promotes the blood circulation and soothes the blood vessel. The zinc present in it helps cure the erectile dysfunction.
- Black Plum
Blend this delicious fruit with milk and add a small amount of honey. Drink it regularly to boost the libido and normalize the hormonal imbalance.
- Coconut Water
Coconut water is the best way to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction since it contains different electrolytes of sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Simply drink a glass of coconut water on a daily basis.
- Papaya
This tasty fruit increases the sexual desire of a man. Therefore, eat a papaya every day to treat the erectile dysfunction naturally.
- Castor Oil
It is considered one of the best essential oils for erectile dysfunction. Simply massage your penis with this oil to get rid of the problem.
- Avocado
Avocados are rich in vitamin C and E, which help cure the erectile dysfunction. Since this super food is packed with magnesium, potassium, and beta-carotene, it alleviates the impotency.
- Aniseeds
Chew 1 tsp of aniseeds along with water, 2-3 times a day. Continue doing this for the next 3 weeks on a regular basis.
- Black Currant
Add 10 to 15 black currants in a glass of milk and bring the mixture to boil. Consume this lukewarm milk every day to overcome the problem.
- Indian Ginseng
This herb increases the sperm production, testosterone levels and growth of testes. A moderate consumption of Indian ginseng has shown a 60% increase in the capability to achieve erection and sex drive. Simply eat 150 mg of ginseng three times a day.
- Drumstick Flowers
In a glass of milk, add a handful of drumstick flowers. Simmer this mixture for a couple of minutes. Strain and allow it to cool. Finally, sip this lukewarm mixture. Take it for 1-2 months.
- Asparagus Roots
Take a cup of milk and add 15 grams of dried asparagus root to it. Bring the mixture to boil. Strain and drink it warm. Repeat the same procedure two times a day.
- Yohimbe
Start using the extract of Yohimbe, which is considered an alternative drug for treating the impotency, and observe the improvements soon.
- Ginkgo
Ginkgo has been counted in the top herbs that increase the blood flow to the penis, which, in turn, heals the erectile dysfunction. The recommended dosage for ginkgo extract is 40-80 mg thrice a day.
- Hop Plant
In a glass of boiling water, add 1 tbsp of hop plant tea. Cover it with a lid and allow it to cool down for the next 15 minutes. Strain, and drink ½ cup of this tea twice a day before meals. Continue this process for up to 10 days and see the changes. Discontinue this process for 1 week after 10 days are completed and then start again.
- Agnus Castus
This remedy particularly works for those men who have experienced extreme and regular sexual activity for several years and are now facing difficulty in sustaining an erection. The standard dose of this herb is between 150mg and 250mg.
- Astragalus
Commonly known as Milk Vetch or Astragalus membranaceous, it aids improve the vitality, sexual function, and sperm count.
- Chaste Tree
This herb is useful in curing infertility and impotence caused due to excess masturbation or sexual overindulgence in old age, or after venereal problem. It mainly helps increase the sperm count, regulating the pituitary gland, and increasing the testosterone level. 20 to 40 mg of chaste tree fruit extract can be taken.
- Cordyceps Sinensis
It works wonders in improving the sexual function, getting rid of the problems related to impotence, increasing the sperm activity and releasing the reproductive hormones. The adequate dosage of Cordyceps sinensis varies due to several factors, such as health, age, etc. Hence, it would be better to consult a health care physician.
- Damiana
It helps increase the sensitivity and stimulates the blood circulation in the clitoris and penis, which results in enhancing the sexual performance, strengthening the nervous system, balancing the hormones, and relieving the anxiety. The herbal infusion prepared from damiana leaves is one of the best natural remedies for erectile dysfunction.
- Maca
This herb has a wide range of benefits such as improving the erectile dysfunction, increasing the sex drive, strengthening the sexual stamina; increasing the sperm count, and improving the physical strength. Take 3 teaspoons of powdered maca on a daily basis. Or else, a 450 mg capsule of dried maca extract can be taken thrice daily.
- Sarsaparilla
The presence of precursors in Sarsaparilla is helpful in synthesizing the male sex hormones. It not only increases the muscle mass but also acts as an aphrodisiac. Prepare a decoction from its root and have it thrice a day to treat impotence. Besides, you may also consume its tincture and capsules.
- Muira Puama
This herb increases the production of sex hormone, increases the sexual desire and helps maintain the erection. Boil a cup of water and add a tsp of its root or bark. Simmer this solution for 15 to 20 minutes. Sip it daily.
- Schisandra
This herb relieves stress, stimulates libido, and improves overall stamina and longevity. It is a very effective tonic that reinforces sexual organs and relaxes the overall body.
- Tribulus
It helps reduce impotence and infertility in both genders. In addition to this, it improves the working of liver, heart, and kidney. It also increases the estriol and testosterone levels. One can take 250 mg of this herbal extract to observe an improvement.
It should go without saying but before you partake on any herbal remedy you should consult your doctor to make sure you are not taking items that will affect other medications you might be on or other conditions you might have.
Other then trying out the above, you should meditate to maintain relaxation, avoid stress, drink 8 to 10 glasses a day of water, sleep a minimum of 8 hours, yoga does wonders for your overall health and sexual health, while avoiding alcohol, smoking, processed foods to name a few.
If these methods are not working or you feel uncomfortable doing them causing more pressure and stress on your sexual experiences you might want to look at using some of the new ED medications such as Cialis, Kamagra, or Avanafil.
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