Basic Understanding T3: Liothyronine Sodium

Basic Understanding T3: Liothyronine Sodium

Liothyronine Sodium or T3 (trade name is Cytomel) is a synthetic variation of your own body’s thyroid hormone and is used to treat hypothyroidism which carries the symptoms of lack of energy, weight and fat gain, lethargy, and more. In the body T3 regulates the uptake of nutrients into cells in basic terms. As the body takes up nutrients it increases the energy consumption in the form of fats carbohydrates and protein.   In bodybuilding it is mostly used when trying to drop fat / cutting. But since T3 is indiscriminate in it’s metabolism boosting you can risk muscle loss by the increased use of protein. T3 is often used in conjunction of other agents such as Ephedrine, Clenbuterol, Albuterol, HCH or other fat burning agents to increase the rate of fat loss.

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